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What is a Partial Hospitalization Program for Teenagers?

Young girl and provider participating in a partial hospitalization program for teenagers


Definition of a Partial Hospitalization Program for Teenagers

Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are a form of an organized mental health treatment that provides clients with structured and comprehensive care outside of a hospital setting. PHPs are designed to provide clients with a high level of support and care while allowing them to maintain their daily responsibilities, such as school and work. Clients attending PHPs typically receive a range of services, including individual and group therapy, medication management, and education and life skills training. PHPs offer a level of care that is more intensive than traditional outpatient treatment, but less restrictive than inpatient hospitalization.

Purpose of Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial hospitalization programs play a crucial role in mental health treatment by providing comprehensive care to clients who do not require inpatient hospitalization. By receiving this level of care, clients can develop coping skills and strategies to manage their symptoms and improve their overall mental health. PHPs are a great treatment option after being discharged from a recent hospitalization. PHPs also help to reduce the need for inpatient hospitalization, which can be more costly and restrictive. In a partial hospitalization program for teenagers, clients can receive care from a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, counselors, and social workers. In addition to teaching coping strategies, PHPs also provide teenagers with the opportunity to connect with peers who are going through similar experiences, which can help to reduce feelings of isolation and improve social skills. Overall, PHPs are an important component of mental health treatment that provides clients with a pathway to recovery and improved quality of life.

What are Partial Hospitalization Programs?

Components of Partial Hospitalization Programs

The components of a partial hospitalization program for teenagers includes individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, family therapy, and education and life skills training. The goal of individual therapy is to provide one-on-one support for teenagers to address their specific mental health needs. Group therapy allows teenagers to connect with peers who are going through similar experiences, share their struggles, and learn from each other. Medication management is provided by a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) or psychiatrist to ensure that teenagers are taking the appropriate medication for their mental health condition. Family therapy may also be included to provide support and education for parents or guardians. Education and life skills training may include classes on coping skills, stress management, and communication skills. The entire program is supervised by a psychiatrist medical director. Overall, the components of a PHP for teenagers are designed to provide a comprehensive and individualized approach to mental health treatment.

Types of PHPs

A partial hospitalization program for teenagers may vary in structure and format, depending on the needs of the individual client. Some PHPs are structured as day programs, where teenagers attend the program during the day and return home in the evening. Other PHPs are structured as evening programs, where teenagers attend the program in the evening and return home at night. Weekend PHPs may also be available, where teenagers attend the program on weekends and have the option to attend school or work during the week. Some PHPs may also be specialized to address specific mental health conditions, such as eating disorders or substance abuse. At Transitions Counseling, the PHP sessions are scheduled in the afternoon to give teenagers time to attend school but still return home at the end of the day. Overall, the different types of PHPs for teenagers are designed to provide flexibility and individualized care to meet the unique needs of each client.

Who Benefits from Partial Hospitalization Programs?

Partial hospitalization programs are best for clients that have significant functional impairment at home, school, or work but are medically stable and not actively at high risk for harming themselves or harming others. Generally, the following clients benefit most from a PHP:

  • Clients who do not require 24/7 hospitalization.
  • Clients who need more intensive mental health treatment than outpatient therapy
  • Clients who need a structured environment to manage symptoms

Overall, PHPs provide individuals with a comprehensive and individualized approach to mental health treatment that can help them to achieve long-term recovery and improvement in symptom severity and functional impairment.

Clients Who Do Not Require 24/7 Hospitalization or Observation

Clients who do not require 24/7 hospitalization may benefit from PHPs because they allow clients to maintain some level of independence and normalcy in their daily lives while still receiving the care and support they need to manage their mental health.

Clients Who Need More Intensive Mental Health Treatment

Traditional outpatient treatment may not be enough to provide the necessary support and care for individuals with severe or complex mental health issues. This level of care is more intensive than traditional outpatient services and combines elements of group therapy, IOPs, and medication management over longer sessions.

Clients Who Need a Structured Environment

Teenagers who struggle with significant or complex mental health issues may benefit from a structured environment to manage their symptoms. PHPs create a structured, supportive environment for teenagers that provides routine, consistency, and predictability, which can be especially beneficial for teenagers with mental health issues.

What Services are Offered in a Partial Hospitalization Program for Teenagers?

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions are typically conducted one-on-one with a licensed mental health professional, and sessions can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual teenager. During individual therapy sessions, teenagers can explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment. This type of therapy can be helpful for teenagers who are struggling with a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance use disorders. Additionally, individual therapy can help teenagers build self-esteem, improve their communication skills, and develop healthy relationships. In PHPs, individual therapy is conducted in an area separated from the group and is especially helpful when the client is experiencing upsetting thoughts or emotions.

Group Therapy

Group therapy for teenagers is a type of mental health treatment that involves a small group of peers working together with a licensed mental health professional. Group therapy sessions typically involve discussing common mental health issues, sharing experiences, and offering support and feedback to one another. In PHPs, group therapy is also used to practice mental health skills in a safe and supportive environment with others who are going through similar experiences.

Medication Management

Psychiatric medication management for teenagers is a form of mental health treatment that involves the use of medication to manage mental health symptoms. A PMHNP or psychiatrist is responsible for prescribing and monitoring medication for teenagers. In a partial hospitalization program setting, medication management is typically used in conjunction with other forms of mental health treatment, such as skill building and group therapy. This type of treatment can be especially helpful for teenagers who are struggling with severe or complex mental health issues, as medication can help manage symptoms and improve overall mental health.

Education and Life Skills Training

Education and life skills training for teenagers is a critical component of mental health treatment that can encompass a range of topics, including stress management, self-care, communication skills, conflict resolution, and problem-solving. This type of training can be especially helpful for teenagers who are struggling with significant or complex mental health issues, as it can help them develop healthy coping mechanisms and build resilience.

Care Coordination

Care coordination is an important component of mental health treatment for teenagers because it involves bringing together various healthcare providers and resources to ensure that a teenager’s needs are being met. Care coordination can also involve working with insurance plans and community resources to ensure that teenagers have access to the resources they need to thrive. Additionally, care coordination can provide a support system for both teenagers and their families, offering guidance and support throughout the treatment process.

How are Partial Hospitalization Programs Different from Other Mental Health Treatment Options?

Inpatient Hospitalization

Inpatient hospitalization involves the admission of a teenager to a hospital or psychiatric facility for 24-hour care. The focus of inpatient hospitalization is on stabilizing the teen’s acute symptoms and providing a safe environment. This can be especially helpful for teens who are at risk of harming themselves or others. During the hospitalization, teens receive around-the-clock medical and psychiatric care, which can include medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and recreational therapy.

On the other hand, a partial hospitalization program for teenagers is a form of daily outpatient treatment that provides teens with structured programming during the day, while allowing them to return home at night. PHPs typically involve a half-day of treatment, several days a week, and are often used as a step-down level of care after a hospitalization, or as an alternative to hospitalization for teens who do not require 24-hour care but need more intensive support than traditional outpatient therapy can provide.

Outpatient Therapy

Outpatient therapy is less intensive and allows teens to continue their normal daily routine, including going to school and participating in extracurricular activities. Outpatient therapy is typically scheduled once a week and may also be less expensive than PHPs. However, outpatient therapy does not provide enough support for teens who require a more structured environment or more intensive treatment.

Residential Treatment Programs

Residential treatment involves living in a residential facility for a period of time, typically several weeks or months. Residential treatment programs provide teens with 24-hour care and support in a structured environment. Although the treatment at a residential facility is like a PHP, partial hospitalization programs allow teens to return home at night.
Residential treatment provides a more controlled environment, which can be especially helpful for teens who require close supervision or specialized treatment. Residential treatment also provides an opportunity for teens to focus solely on their treatment without distractions from the outside world.
However, residential treatment is usually much more expensive than PHPs and may not be covered by insurance. Additionally, living away from home can be disruptive to the teen’s social and familial connections.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs)

Partial hospitalization programs are typically more structured than intensive outpatient programs, with teens receiving treatment 5 days a week, whereas IOPs usually involve several hours of treatment 2-3 days per week.
PHPs typically include psychiatry and medication management whereas many IOPs do not.
In terms of cost, IOPs are generally less expensive than PHPs and although both may be covered by insurance, PHPs may require more frequent pre-authorization from insurance providers. Transitions Counseling is in-network with multiple insurance plans for IOP and PHP services.
PHPs are typically recommended for teens who require a higher level of care, while IOPs may be more appropriate for teens who need more structured support than traditional outpatient therapy but do not require the intensity of a PHP.

What are the Benefits of Partial Hospitalization Programs?

Allows Clients to Receive Daily Intensive Treatment While Maintaining Daily Responsibilities

Allowing teenage clients to receive daily intensive mental health treatment while maintaining their daily responsibilities, such as attending school or work, can be an important factor in their overall treatment and recovery. A partial hospitalization program for teenagers and intensive outpatient programs are two treatment options that can provide intensive support and therapy for teens while allowing them to continue with their daily responsibilities. By participating in PHPs or IOPs, teens can receive the necessary mental health treatment and support they need, while still maintaining their sense of normalcy and avoiding disruption to their daily routine. This can help reduce the stigma often associated with mental health treatment and can also facilitate a smoother transition back to their daily life once their treatment is complete. Additionally, by learning coping mechanisms and strategies for managing their symptoms while continuing with their daily responsibilities, teens can build the skills they need to maintain their mental health and well-being in the long term.

Provides a Structured and Supportive Environment

A structured and supportive environment can be crucial for teenagers who require intensive mental health treatment. By offering a structured daily routine, a supportive staff, and a focus on therapeutic activities and interventions, partial hospitalization programs can create a safe and nurturing environment for teenagers to focus on their mental health and well-being. This type of environment can help teenagers feel more comfortable and supported, which can increase their engagement in treatment and their overall success in recovery. Additionally, having a structured and supportive environment can provide a sense of stability and predictability, which can be particularly helpful for teenagers who may be struggling with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues.

Helps Clients Transition from Hospitalization to Community-Based Care

Partial hospitalization programs are a valuable option for clients to step down into after a recent inpatient hospitalization, providing a lower level of care while still offering structured support and treatment. Step-up and step-down mental health services are cost-effective and can lead to significant improvements in psychological distress, work and social adjustments, and client satisfaction.

Encourages Clients to Develop Coping Skills and Strategies for Long-Term Recovery

PHPs can help clients learn new coping skills and strategies for managing their mental health over the long term. This may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and other evidence-based interventions that are specifically designed to help clients with significant functional impairment. Therapy, medication management, and psychoeducation are resources that can be continued after completion of the partial hospitalization program, which helps clients maintain long-term recovery.

What are the Challenges of a Partial Hospitalization Program for Teenagers?

Limited Insurance Coverage and Out-of-Network Programs

One significant challenge facing clients seeking treatment through partial hospitalization programs is limited insurance coverage. While PHPs can be an effective tool in helping teenage clients manage mental health issues, they can be costly and insurance companies may limit coverage for PHPs or require prior authorization, which can create barriers for clients seeking treatment. Although Transitions Counseling is in-network with major insurance plans, many organizations are not in-network, which can lead to increased out-of-pocket costs for clients and their families. As a result, clients may be forced to seek less intensive or less effective forms of treatment, which can lead to poorer outcomes and a higher risk of hospitalization. Transitions Counseling also offers payment plans options to help ensure that clients can access the care they need.

Time Commitment

While PHPs can be highly effective in treating mental health concerns, one of the challenges for families is the amount of time required to attend the program. Most PHPs require teens to attend daily for several hours, often for several weeks. This can be difficult for teens who may already be struggling with school or social activities. Our partial hospitalization program has a balanced schedule that allows teenage clients to attend school during the first half of the day. We also partner with community organizations that can provide separate, customized schooling so teenagers don’t fall behind with their studies.

Limited Availability

While PHPs can be an effective tool in helping teenagers manage mental health issues, they may not be available in all areas or may have long waitlists for admission. This can create barriers for clients seeking treatment, particularly for those who require intensive care or who have urgent needs. At Transitions Counseling, we are capable of scheduling initial appointments in 5 days or less and can facilitate admission to our partial hospitalization program for teenagers in less than 48 hours.


Summary of Partial Hospitalization Program for Teenagers

Partial hospitalization programs are a vital component of mental health care for teenagers struggling with mental health concerns. These programs offer a range of therapeutic services to help teenagers manage their symptoms, build coping skills, and improve their overall quality of life. Although PHPs can be challenging due to the amount of time required to attend the program, the benefits of this level-of-care can be life-changing for many teens. With the support of PHPs, teenagers can achieve long-term mental health stability and wellness.

Importance of Seeking Appropriate Mental Health Treatment

Seeking appropriate mental health treatment is crucial for anyone who is struggling with mental health concerns. Mental health issues can significantly impact a teenager’s quality of life, making it difficult to carry out daily activities, form and maintain relationships, and achieve personal goals. Without proper treatment, these issues can worsen over time and contribute to more severe mental health problems, such as substance abuse, self-harming behavior, and suicidality. Seeking appropriate mental health treatment can help reduce the risk of relapse or hospitalization and provide a supportive community for individuals struggling with mental health concerns.

Encouragement to Explore all Available Mental Health Treatment Options

It is essential to encourage teenagers and their families to explore all available mental health options, including partial hospitalization programs. While attending a PHP may be challenging for some teens, it can be highly effective in treating mental health concerns and improving overall quality of life. It is important to remember that mental health concerns can be complex and often require a multifaceted approach involving therapy, psychoeducation, skill building, and medication management. It is crucial to explore all treatment options to find the best fit for each individual client. Encouraging teenagers to explore PHPs and other mental health options can help them take control of their mental health and promote long-term wellness.
